
Grand Master Dana Miller

Grand Master Dana Miller has been involved in Martial Arts for over 50 years, teaching and training in each of the last five decades (60’s, 70’s, 80’s, 90’s and 00’s).  He has seen fads and changes and has participated in the development of what has become American Martial Arts.

Many of his students have become Masters.   His unique teaching style and innovative training methods are used in schools across the U.S.   He is highly sought after by leading Martial Artists and Masters of many Martial Arts for his insightful knowledge in the development and usage of energy (Qi) in both healing and combat applications.

  • President of 3M Corporation’s Chinese Boxing Club, 1975-1994
  • Master Level Chuan Lu Chinese Boxing society, 1979
  • Head of Family, U.S. Chuan Fa Association, 1992-present
  • Grand Master of the Year, World Martial Arts Hall of Fame, inducted 1993
  • Member of the World Head of Family Sokeship Council (WHFSC), 1994
  • Inductee WHFSC International Martial Arts Hall of Fame, 1994
  • Awarded Professor of Martial Arts Degree, 1998
  • Certified Personal Trainer, 1996
  • Graduate of Three Rivers Crossing, Center for Qigong and Traditional Chinese Healing, 1996
  • Member National Qigong Association USA, 1997
  • Certified Medical Qigong Instructor, 1998
  • Member Qigong Empowerment Association, 1998
  • Honorary 10th Level, “Police Use of Force Combat Tactics”, 2008

Currently Master Miller is President of the USCF Association and Chief Instructor of
Pine City Martial Arts School, Pine City, MN.

Master Peter Rudh

Master Rudh has been a student of USCF for more than 25 years and he teaches a small group of students in Northwest Minnesota.   He is known and respected for his honesty and integrity.   It is often remarked by his peers how respectful he is toward others, regardless of rank.   One of the most sought after training partners, Master Rudh has been an example to others and it is an honor to have him in the USCF Association.   Pete has black sashes in Zu Wei Shu Kung Fu and Kenpo.  He has studied most of the major programs of USCF and is currently a Fifth Level Black Sash and Keeper of the Leopard energy of the USCF Association.

Master Steve Kubik

Steve Kubik has been a USCF member for 25 years and teaches a class in Southwest North Dakota.   After a career in fire fighting, Steve moved to Southwest North Dakota where he runs a horse ranch and tack and clothing store and teaches a martial arts class.  Steve is a Third Level Black Sash in the Zu Wei Shu Warrior program, and an instructor level in the teacher and healer programs.   He is certified in Three Rivers Qi Gong and is presently pursuing other energy healing methods.   He is recognized by the USCF Association as a Fifth Level Black Sash.

Master Robert Berube

Bob Berube has been a student of USCF longer than any other members.  A physicist by profession and a PHD, he is constantly sought out by martial artists of all ranks and styles for his intellectual views and opinions.   He is highly respected for his depth of character and wisdom of life, and it is seldom that any major decisions concerning USCF are made without running them by “Uncle Bob.”  He is the Keeper of the auspicious “Turtle” energy (one of the four celestial creatures) and has been an integral part in the formation and development of the USCF Association.

Mike Kaiser

Mike Kaiser has been in USCF for 20+ years and keeps the St. Paul group together when Grand Master Miller is out of town.   Mike is an electrician by trade and his ability for study has made him an accomplished martial arts teacher.   He has studied most of the USCF programs and has a Second Level Black Sash in Kenpo along with his 4th level in the USCF program (Crane).

Gary Peterson

Gary Peterson has more than 20 years in martial arts and has a Second Dan in Chuan Lo as well as a First Dan in Kenpo.   Gary brings a unique energy to class and it has been a pleasure having him in our association.

Glen Lee

Glen Lee was Grand Master Miller’s first student 35 years ago and is known for his sparring skills and adherence to the more classical ideals of martial arts.  After his first five years he has been out of the mainstream of USCF and is a private Zu Wei Shu student.   Probably born 100 years too late, he is often hunting or fishing in the North Land.